Well, it has been another month and once again so much has been done with Floors of Discomfort. This month has mainly been dedicated to character creation and the abilities that go along with each character. Last month I only briefly introduced the Golem, but he wasn't even working then so there wasn't much to discuss. Since then, there are now five characters, all working, and I can not wait to talk about them all.
The first character is not new, but I feel as though I should talk about him because I never really have. The Knight is the main character in Floors of Discomfort. He is the default character and does not have any perks by default. He does however have two abilities, the whirlwind and vital energy. The whirlwind attack, activated by the Z key, is a 5 second attack that turns the Knight into a tornado, making him invulnerable and allows him to damage enemies and throw them up in the air. The attack has a cool down of one minute as of right now. The second ability given to the knight is the vital energy buff. When the knight reaches zero health, and he does not already have the vital energy buff on, he will be granted three more health bars and given an attack and speed increase. The buff lasts until the he dies or moves on to the next level. Other than the addition of the icons for the abilities nothing new has been added to the Knight.
The next character is the first of the new ones created, the Golem. The Golem is a tank character. He is slower than the other character, but much stronger and starts with an extra health bar. He is for players who are willing to gather hordes of enemies and take some damage. The Golem's first special ability is activated by the Z key. When activated the Golem hurls a fireball at his enemy and launching himself backward. This ability at the moment has a cool down of one minute but that may change in the future, along with the rest of the cooldowns. The second ability given to the Golem is activated by the X key. This attack allows the Golem to plant a fireball on the ground that burns and the enemies that come into contact with it. It lasts for 5 seconds and also has a 60 second cool down as of right now.
The Thief is the character to be created after the Golem. The Thief is a hit and run class, she is for the players who would rather kill one enemy at a time instead of taking on hordes. The Thief is much faster than the other classes allowing her to escape enemies much quicker and also travel around the map with greater ease. She has the ability to poison her enemies as one of her specials. Activated by the Z key, the Thief coats her weapon in one of three random poisons unknown to the player until the time of the strike. When an enemy is hit with the poisoned weapon it will either be paralyzed, weakened, or afflicted with a damage-over-time poison. The poison ability has a current cool down of two minutes. The Thief also has the ability to sprint for a short period of time. By pressing the X key the Thief's run speed is increased allowing her to sprint much faster for five seconds. That ability has a minute cool down.
The Skelewizard is next character on the list, he is a caster and is for those players who would rather keep a distance from enemies. The Skelewizard has a much higher attack power, but also takes double the melee damage than other characters do. The Skelewizard's two special abilities consist of a buff and an AoE attack. The AoE attack activated by the Z key causes the Skelewizard to drop a strip of tentacles that causes damage to any enemy that comes into contact with it. The attack lasts 5 seconds and has a 60 second cool down. The second ability is a buff. When activated using the X key the Skelewizard has sever stat increases. His damage done is increased, his attack speed, and run speed are all increased. This buff lasts 15 seconds and has a two minute cool down.
The final character added to the game is the Pumpkin. The Pumpkin has a slight attack power increase at the start but his true power lies in his abilities. The pumpkin has two abilities a thorn shield, and a pumpkin throw attack. The pumpkin throw is activated by the Z key and when activated the Pumpkin will hurl a pumpkin (supposedly his own head) at the enemy cause a large amount of damage. The attack has a 60 second cool down. The next ability is the thorn shield. When activated using the X key a shield of thorns surrounds the Pumpkin absorbing 200 damage until it is breaks. The ability has a two minute cool down.
All these characters are working, but some of their abilities and animations still need to be tweeked and what not. Other than the characters we are now working on a new mystery chest mechanic that will appear randomly on each level. The chest will contain a random item, ranging from a coin to a new item that we are working on. That has not been started yet though, so there is more to come on that in the next update.
These blog posts from now on will be the preview for the Youtube dev updates that we also put out. Those will normally come the weekend following the blog posts, so that is when I am hoping to get this one done. I plan from now on doing one update a month. I feel as though that allows for a more constructive post.
Our Youtube channel is located here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaJ1FgrlKZSnVPCSb342Nww
Well, thanks for reading! This was a long one.
- Frankie