The engine will be open source of course because I feel that everyone should have a chance to make awesome games, and also to spread the word about Python and PyGame. People underestimate the power of these technologies and hopefully by churning out some games using this engine more people will be able to see Python's power.
Here are a few pictures of the engine in use, so far I have the collision engine completed as well as a module system so that adding new object types is as easy as writing a Python class. Each module is described by a JSON file that will direct the engine toward where all the different sprites are held. I wanted to make all the preliminary work quick and easy so that the developer can work on maps and gameplay.
(All of the images below are of the skeletal version of the map and players because the examples are in Rect mode. This mode makes it easy to test the game without having images created)
The images below and above are the edit modes. They allow you to draw the collision grid and set the starting point of characters and enemies.
The file above is what a json config file for a player/enemy type module would look like. It is basically just defining all the images that the object will use when it is in a certain state. When not in Rect mode they are arrays of images so that they can be animated.
3 Prong Engine is still in it's very early stages of development. I plan on posting later on when more progress is made, and hopefully in the near future start creating some games!
If you would like to try out three prong engine you can check it out on my Github here:
There aren't any docs yet so it may be a little confusing.
If you'd like to check out some of my other creations check out my Github projects here
I have a lot of cool stuff on there.
Until next time, thanks for reading!
- Frankie
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